Saturday, September 15, 2012

Coastal Highway - On the Beach?

One of the things I love about my current home state of Oregon is the fact that all of its beautiful coastal beaches are public land. This is not by accident, and reflects a rare and elusive thing: Government foresight. In the early 1900s, the state started selling some coastal land to raise revenue. In 1913, heeding public outcry, then governor Oswald West pressured the legislature to adopt the coast as a highway. This creative method was actually partially based on need, as the coastal highway 101 was not completed  until the 1930s. In addition, West created a commission to buy up land along the coast for state parks, many of which are still enjoyed today.

In 1967 beloved Oregon Governor Tom McCall further strengthened the public's access to the beach by urging passage of the Beach Bill, which created a public easement from the line of vegetation to the waterline. So today, as I enjoy unfettered access to the beach, I am grateful for the foresight of these leaders.

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